Course Information

This website includes information for Dr. Kate Culkin’s HIS 20 classes DO7L (Mon./Wed, 10:00-11:15 AM) and D08L (Mon./Wed. 12-1:15). You can find the syllabus, links to assigned readings and viewings, and details about assignments and in-class activities. These sections are part of learning communities with Dr. Julia Rodas’ ENG 111 classes. There are some joint assignments. Visit the website for her sections for further information

The American Nation (HIS 20) is a one-semester survey of the history of the United States covering significant political, social, and cultural currents of the last 400 years. This class will introduce students to the major developments in United States history, with a focus on individual and collective action. Students will analyze how these developments helped shape American society and the United States’ role in the global community.